Thursday, January 6, 2011

My new/old table.

This table was bought by my brother's ex for $15. She found a new set later and gave this one to my mom. I had my eye on it but I already had a table.... However, our table was a family heirloom on my husbands side. I wanted to refinish it but, due to the ornately carved legs, I wanted to paint it. He and his family FREAKED out. So, after talking it over with the hubby, we decided to give the table to his mom and I got this one..... and I could paint it!!! : D As is true Chan fashion.... I forgot to take a before shot of the table BEFORE I took it apart.... So here it is.... the bottom at least. And ignore the background.... and Cici....

Cherry colored stain, meet white spray paint.

Geez!!! Ignore the penguin blanket!!! :s

Stripping... ; D

The huge chunk out in the middle.

Then it was this!!!!

Don't worry... That huge chunk missing goes facing the back.